25, 2014
Order in the matter of M/s Micro Leasing And Funding Limited Shri S Raman, Whole Time Member, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has passed an interim order
dated November 21, 2014 under sections 11, 11(4), 11A and 11B of SEBI Act, 1992 in the matter of Micro Leasing
and Funding Limited, inter-alia directing that the company shall not mobilize funds from investors. Further, the
company and its directors are prohibited from issuing prospectus or any offer document or issue advertisement for
soliciting money from the public for the issue of securities, in any manner whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, till
further orders. The company and its directors are also restrained from accessing the securities market and
further prohibited from buying, selling or otherwise dealing in the securities market, either directly or indirectly, till further
For full copy of order against BANAJA PATTNAIK, click here. For full copy of order against BIJOY KUMAR ROUTRAY, click here. For full copy of order against DURGA PRASAD MISHRA, click here. For full copy of order against DURGA PRASAD SHADANGI, click here. For full copy of order against KALI PRASAD MISHRA, click here. For full copy of order against MICRO LEASING & FUNDING LTD., click here. For full copy of order against UPENDRA NATH MISHRA, click here. |