October 05, 2009 
PR No. 310/2009

Order in the matter of Surya Agroils Ltd.

Dr. K. M. Abraham, Whole Time Member, SEBI, has passed an order dated September 30, 2009 in the matter of Surya Agroils Limited, Mr. S. K. Bhargava, Mr. Ajay Jain, Mr. M. A. Menon and Mr. Rajesh Kapur.

In accordance with the said order, Surya Agroils Limited and its then whole time directors namely Mr. S. K. Bhargava and Mr. Ajay Jain are restrained from accessing the securities market and prohibited from buying, selling or dealing in securities directly or indirectly in any manner for a period of one month. Mr. Rajesh Kapur, ex-company secretary of Surya Agroils Limited has been directed to be more cautious and careful while dealing in securities market. Any further violation committed by them in the securities market would be viewed seriously by SEBI and appropriate actions would be initiated against them in respect of any such violations, in accordance with law. Proceedings against Mr. M.A. Menon have been disposed of without any directions.

The order shall come into force with immediate effect. 


October 05, 2009


For full copy of order against AJAY JAIN, click here.

For full copy of order against RAJESH KAPOOR, click here.

For full copy of order against S.K.BHARGAVA, click here.

For full copy of order against SURYA AGROILS LTD., click here.