February 26, 2007
PR No. 74/2007

Order against M/s. Mahek Consultants, sub-broker, in the matter of 

M/s. Spanco Telesystems and Solutions Ltd.

Dr. T.C.Nair, Whole Time Member, SEBI has passed an order dated February 22, 2007 directing that the Certificate of Registration granted toM/s. Mahek Consultants (SEBI Regn. No. INS010574411), a sub-broker affiliated to M/s. Acme Shares and Stocks Pvt. Ltd., be suspended for a period of one month in the matter of M/s. Spanco Telesystems and Solutions Ltd. The period of suspension shall come into operation after the expiry of 21 days from the date of the order. 


February 26, 2007


For full copy of order against MAHEK CONSULTANTS, click here.