May 10, 2002
PR No. 89/2002
Press Release
SEBI vide its Order dated April 29, 2002, has debarred M/s Home Trade Ltd., from dealing in securities till May 10, 2002, with a post decisional hearing given to M/s Home Trade Ltd., on May 03, 2002.
However, M/s Home Trade Ltd., did not appear for the personal hearing on May 03, 2002 and also did not respond to the same. In view of the above, it is felt that the earlier restraint order of SEBI dated April 29, 2002, should be further continued and M/s Home Trade Ltd., be debarred from dealing in securities by another month i.e. upto June 10, 2002. A post decisional hearing is being given to M/s Home Trade Ltd., on May 13, 2002.