March 3, 2000
PR No. 57/2000
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has warned Shri Satish Gupta, member of Delhi Stock Exchange (SEBI Reg. No. INB050400812) for not maintaining clients' registration form and client agreement, not reporting off-the-floor transactions to the Stock Exchange, acting as sub-broker to NSE broker without registration and attesting forged signature of the transferor.
The warning has been served in terms of Sub-Regulation (3) of Regulation 29 of SEBI (Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers) Rules & Regulations, 1992.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has warned M/s Option Securities (P) Ltd. (formerly M/s Sanjeev Dhupar & Co.), member of Delhi Stock Exchange (SEBI Reg. No. INB051052836) for not maintaining proper segregation between own funds and clients' funds, for dealing with brokers of other stock exchanges on behalf of clients without getting registration as sub-broker with SEBI, dealing with un-registered sub-broker and for not reporting all the off-the-floor transactions to the Exchange.
The warning has been served in terms of Sub-Regulation (3) of Regulation 29 of SEBI (Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers) Rules & Regulations, 1992.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has warned M/s Trusted Shares & Investments Ltd., member of Bombay Stock Exchange (SEBI Reg. No. INB010633337) to refrain from involving in any activity which is unbusiness like and which may lead to interference with the smooth functioning of the market.
The warning has been served in terms of Sub-Regulation (3) of Regulation 29 of SEBI (Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers) Rules & Regulations, 1992.